Five Reasons to Register with a Recruitment Agency

In today’s competitive job market, securing employment can often feel like navigating a maze with hidden paths and unforeseen obstacles. Ever wondered how someone started a new role when you didn’t even know was available. While online job boards and networking platforms remain popular avenues for job seekers, there’s a significant chunk of opportunities that […]
How to write a Professional Resume

Resumes stimulate lots of conversation amongst recruitment consultants and hiring managers alike. Many like resumes, many dislike them. One thing is for certain, whether you think resumes are good, bad or ugly, resumes still serve a critical role in securing you an invite to interview. It’s nearly 2022, and time to dust off those old resumes, […]
How to make the most of a long weekend

Ask any number of people what their ideal long weekend is and we have no doubt the answers will be many and varied. So how should you spend your upcoming long weekend? It’s a question on many Australian’s lips right now and with the states varying in their advice (and indeed in their restrictions limitations) […]
11 tips to boost your wellbeing

noun: Wellbeingthe state of being comfortable, healthy, or happy. Well-being doesn’t have one set meaning or one set application, but the state and how we apply it to our emotional, physical and mental wellness remains the same – to seek balance. I know from experience that it can be hard to know where to start when […]
Why Leadership and Teamwork matter in the workplace

Whilst I was at home last night I decided it would be a good time to start reading a book I have been aiming to get to for a long time. One of the small pleasures I have not been able to get to with 3 kids under 7. This particular book however ‘Dauntless’ by […]
New Year, New…..Benefits?

Yeah, I know, the catch phrase is new year, new me and I realise it usually applys calendar year and not financial year. But that’s not what my blog is about, so I thought a heading that captured the blog would be more pertinent. I guess what I really want to get across in this […]
Top 3 tips to keep on track at work

Struggling to remember what your manager asked you to do this morning? Are you confused about your daily duties? Then say no more! From previously working in childcare and moving into an admin role I struggled with prioritising my work and the tasks that I was receiving throughout the day. I had to find ways […]
3 excuses to use cruise control in QLD

Time flies, doesn’t it? Still unbelievable that we’re almost done with Winter and it’s time to start planning your celebratory getaway! This month we’re in Queensland and have listed three of the most amazing places you can experience, simply by jumping in the car and going for a drive! Whether you have a hatchback or […]
Are you LinkedIn?

LinkedIn – the “Facebook” for all things work related. You can connect with people worldwide, post, share and like relevant items, search for jobs/job seekers, the list goes on… If you’re not already signed up on the social media platform, you had better jump on it! Today, I’m going to provide you with a few […]
Winter Warmers
Do you work long hours? Or are you just plain old lazy in the afternoons? I get it… We all get it. Its Winter in Canberra and it’s damn cold outside! Don’t tell me you’re one of those people whose slow-cooker is slowly but surely accruing dust in the corner cupboard?! Don’t be that person! […]